Want to create a project for HackDavis but not sure where to start? Or maybe you’re just looking for some inspiration!

The starter pack provides resources for any fundamental hackathon project to set you up for HackDavis 2023!

About Us

HackDavis is the official collegiate hackathon at UC Davis which brings students from across California to create projects addressing the world’s most pressing issues. HackDavis 2023 will take place on the 20th and 21st of May at the University Credit Union Center.

Apply here!

Check out our website, and join our Discord!

Want ideas?

Here are some from our previous hackathons...


<aside> 💡 General

W3 Schools


Stack Overflow


<aside> 💻 Front-end Web Development

MDN Web Docs

Flexbox Guide

W3 Schools: React.js Tutorial

Vue.js Tutorial

2023 HackDavis WebDev Series


Josh Comeau's CSS Guide

YouTube: Jack Herrington

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript ES6

Flexbox Froggy



<aside> 🌐 Back-end Web Development

YouTube: How the Backend Works

YouTube: What is the Backend?

YouTube: Backend Development Explained in 2 Minutes

YouTube: Learn Express.js in 35 Minutes

YouTube: Express.js Crash Course

W3 Schools: Node.js Tutorial

W3 Schools: MongoDB Tutorial

Google Firebase

Google Cloud


<aside> 🤖 AI / ML

Teachable Machine

Top 20 Artificial Intelligence Projects With Source Code [2022]



Python scikit-learn


<aside> 🐍 Python

Tutorial + Documentation


<aside> 📊 Data Science

R Tutorial

Pandas Tutorial

NumPy for Beginners


<aside> ⚙️ Hardware

Raspberry Pi Projects

Arduino Examples


<aside> 📝 Git and Source Control

The Git Book

Git Tutorials & Training

Git Cheat Sheet


<aside> 👨‍💼 Product Management

What is product management?

Product Management Resources


<aside> 🎮 Game Development

Creating your First Unity Project

Using the Unity Interface

Essential Unity Concepts


<aside> 📱 App Development

React Native





<aside> 📝 Design/UX

Anatomy of a design pitch

Human-Centered Design

Human-Centered Design Process

Figma for Beginners

Design Features in Figma

Figma End to End

Tips for presentations (Figma)

Building Reusable Components

Prototyping & Transitions
